Boys’ Home

The boys’ home currently houses 27 children, ages 3 months to 19 years.  

All of these children come from difficult situations.  They live together as brothers, praying together, caring for each other and sharing in household chores. Emphasis is placed on education through after school tutoring and rewarding achievements.
Sister Rafaela and William, both committed servants, care for the boys. Sister Rafaela makes sure they are fed with nourishing meals, are properly dressed and get ample time for schoolwork.  William oversees daily prayers, provides spiritual counsel and disciplines.

Over the years, these boys are growing up to be respectful, loving, bright young men that have tremendous potential given the chance and resources.

Future Projects

As the boys are getting older and becoming young men, the goal is to ensure an independent economically stable future. This requires a technical skill and higher education pursuits.